Author: Kevin van Heun
Internship coordinator of the KPZ: Harrie Poulssen / Ria Posthumus
I am doing my Internship in Austria. In the village Piesendorf. It is a small Village between de Mountains. It is an modern School. The Director says: 'When the Village have much Money, you can built a modern School. In Juni 2015 I have search for al School. When I mailed the School I have one Day later the Answer. In this School they talk German. Normaly they talk 'Pinzgaurisch', but German is easier to learn. You can see it als Fries - Dutch. In this school is much possible. You can give your lessons and it is a nice school. I have feel me there welcome. My internship was from 29.02.2016 bis 20.05.2016. The school starts at 7.30 and finish at 11.30 or 12.30. The last our is religion. We do'nt give that. there is another teacher. There is 1 break von 15 minuts. From my appartement it was 5 min to walk to the school.It is an beautiful school. The childern are very Respektvol and hofflich. They give te teacher and me a hand when they come in. It is a big school. I can give many lessons in German.
When you chose this school, you have to talk German. In this Bundesland they speak different German. It is a dialect. That can makes it diffecult.
During my Internship I wil sleep in an Appartement by Dutch people. They have renovate all Appartements. So it's a nice Place to stay.
My Appartement names: Chalet Sonnentanz in Piesendorf. It was a expensive appartement, but a wonderful one. I have a balkon and a kitchen.
I have traveled by a Sleeptrain (100 euro)
The Appartement is (2000,- euro for 3 Monaten)
It was expensive to live there. It's a tourist place. In the little village was a schwimmingpool, tennisarea, skatingarea, 3 restaurants, much Appartements, Church, 2 trainstaitons, 2 supermarkts.
Öffentlichen Verkehr
When you would like to travel, you can travel by Bus and Train. A bigger Village is 8 km far. The bus and train are going every half Hour. Von December bis April you can travel with a Skibus. These Bus is Gratis and are going 3 times at morning and 3 times at evening. The Supermarket is in the village, but expensive. A billiger supermarkt is 8 km away.
The nature is wonderfull. Everywere are mountains. you live at 800m, so in winter you can have snow. The village is at the sonneseite, so es gibt wenig schnee. the mountains are between 1700m and 3500m high. It's very nice to walk and cycle there. There is a See (Zell am See) with a nice view. You can Schwimm from end of may. It's a nice place to live. The people are very interested. You can talk with them and they are nice.
When you chose to make an internship in Austria/Zell am See than:
- you have to speak German
- The people speak German, but there is a dialect to. The people speak normaly 'Pinzgaurisch'.
- You have to been a open person. It's another culture.
- There are not many younger people. It is a little village.
- It makes it easyer when you have a little condition. You have always to walk uphill;)
For more questions you can ask me at my mail.