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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 4) 2015/16

Anna Tüske, University of West Hungary, Hungary, Mobility for Study, Incoming, PHST

Contact of the University

Hasnerplatz 12

8010 Graz




Contact the Erasmus office

Marlene Grabner

Tutor of Internation Students

International Office A0110



The University

Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark is a little university in Graz. All of the people knows each other and that is why the atmosphere is so nice. There are some places where we can spend our freetime. For example: dining room, computer room, menza. Being Erasmus student in this university is invaluable. We have great teachers and can learn a lot of them from different perspectives.


I never been is Graz before but I will never regret that I choose this city. This city has a secret magic power what can fascinate everyone. There are a lot of programs where we can participate and having fun as an "inhabitant". Christmas market is an unique event what Graz has. People are coming from different countries to see it and I appreciate to see this every single day. 

Being an Erasmus student

Best choice I have ever made! Without Erasmus buddies we would be lost. Once I would like to be it also because now I know how great it is. They organize a lot of events for us to get to know each other more and I think It is really great to have programs outside of the school walls. I became friends with spanish, german and italian students what is a priceless feeling for me.