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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 3) 2014/15

Sigrid Weinzettl, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle, The Netherlands, Mobility for Study, PHST



Interactum University of Applied Sciences, Teacher Training College Primary Education
Hogeschool Katholieke PABO Zwolle

Ten Oeverstraat 68, 
8012 EW Zwolle, 
The Netherlands


Erasmus office

Mr. Harrie Poulssen, 
International Officer
Email: h.poulssen@kpz.nl

Ms. Ria Posthumus, 
Assistant International Office
Email: r.posthumus@kpz.nl

International office
Email: internationaloffice@kpz.nl


The University

KPZ is an independent university of applied science, teacher training college, which focusses on: students becoming excellent primary school teachers; practice-based study; providing valuable educational development. The University has more than 650 students and about 70 employees. Students appreciate the KPZ for several years as one of the best teacher training colleges and best small university in the Netherlands.

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