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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 3) 2014/15

Carmen Saurín, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle, The Netherlands from Spain, Mobility for Study

Contacts University

University of Applied Science, Teacher Training Institute Primary Education
Hogeschool Katholieke PABO Zwolle 
Ten Oeverstraat 68, 
8012 EW Zwolle, 
The Netherlands 
Tel.: +31 (0)384217425 
Fax: +31(0)384210914 
Erasmus code: NL ZWOLLE06


Harrie Poulssen (international Officer)
Email: h.poulssen@kpz.nl

Bert Thole (Coordinator IM)
Email: b.thole@kpz.nl


 About the University: 

 The Katholieke Pabo Zwolle, also known as KPZ, is an independent Interactum University of Applied Sciences. At this University there are over 650 students and a staff of about 70. This means that the KPZ is one of the many small- to medium-sized institutes for higher professional education in the Netherlands. 

The International Minor Program(IM) is a course formed with international students that have been travelling from other countries to come and study in the KPZ.

How can I apply?

Each year we have an international minor in spring semester from 1st of February until 1st of July.

The deadline for application is: 1 November (previous calendar year)

You will need to fill some data on the application. Then, the university will give you a date for Skype interview. Then, you will have a conversation in English about different things: your level of English, your work as a teacher...


Before we got here:

You should make an exam of Dutch before come here, but don't worry it is about your level and the mark it is not important.

Probably you must take some material from education at your country before, so is better is you asked before.

About accomodation, the best option is Leliestraat. You have to contact SSH in sshxl.nl and regist your name. Be constant because they don't accept Pabo students normally, only students from Windesheim. But it is the best option anyway, near from University and city center.

 The University will provide you with a partner to pick you at the station, they are normally students from the University and it is a really nice idea.


Info about the general things and the first weeks:

We are in a "seperate class" - The international Minor/class. All in all we are 15 people (6 Spanish girls, 1 girl from Turkey, 1 boy from Nepal, 2 Czech girls and 5 people from Austria). All our courses we have together - we do not have any courses with the students from the PABO.

The University organized a lot of activities to know each other, skating, and dutch games.





Everybody uses the bicycle in The Netherlands. Is faster and really great to ride a bicycle here.

Life in the Netherlands 

A lot of opportunities to enjoy really nice landscapes and also to go out.





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