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VoiceS - Integrated competences for European Teachers. Giving voice(s) to professionalism and citizenship in school networking.


From 23.03.2014 to 28.03.2014 the University College of Teacher Education Styria hosted the VoiceS In-service Course "VoiceS - Integrated competences for European Teachers. Giving voice(s) to professionalism and citizenship in school networking". Fourteen school teachers, two teacher trainees and nine teacher trainers from nine different countries participated in this course, all of them members of the VoiceS network (Reference: 526613-LLP-2012-NL-Comenius-CNW). 

This blended learning course consisted of three parts. The first one is an introductory approach to the main issues of the course; the participants are required to log in the course area, filling in their profile, and analyse selected readings and prepare their essays before the face to face sessions. The second part of the course consisted of six days of direct sessions with lectures, workshops, seminars, group work, cultural activities, school visits and the planning of further collaborative projects. 

One of the main outcomes of the VoiceS In-service Course is planning collaborative international projects that have then to be developed by the participant teachers in their own schools. These projects, inspired by the theoretical and practical input of the course, have to be implemented in the different countries- after the face to face sessions- within a maximum period of three months.

Teachers, organised in international groups, carried out projects in their own schools; these projects were then shared, analysed and described including visual evidence of them in practice. A selection of them is published in this ebook: additionally, these have been uploaded to the webpage of European Teachers projects and are also available as paperback. 

The first section of this ebook contains theoretical input about the topic, descriptions of the network and of the in-service course followed by the documentation of the two school projects "European Dance & Song Book" and "A Day in the Life of ...". All authors and course members are described in its final chapter.

Graz 2014,

Susanne Linhofer
Heiko Vogl


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