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VoiceS - Integrated competences for European Teachers. Giving voice(s) to professionalism and citizenship in school networking.

Ayşe Tomas 

Ayşe Tomas has been a teacher of English for seven years. Since 2012 she has been working with teenagers aged 14 to 17 years old at Tan High School. She attended the in-Service Course Graz 2014 and had the opportunity to meet colleagues from all around Europe and share knowledge and good practices.

Her school (Tan Schools) is a private school located in Bursa, Turkey which consists of two kindergartens, a primary school, two high schools and two study centres within its institutional framework. The students start to study English at kindergarten. The lessons are planned to consider individual differences and also different learning styles for visual, auditory and kinesthetic students. The lessons are enriched and made more effective by using smart boards in the classrooms.

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