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VoiceS - Integrated competences for European Teachers. Giving voice(s) to professionalism and citizenship in school networking.

A Day in the Life of ... - Project Overview


BARBARO Ida (VoiceS Member of the Italien national group)
GONZÁLEZ ANDREU Carolina (VoiceS Member of the Spanish national group, cgonza45@xtec.cat)
HAALBOOM Maarten (VoiceS Member of the Netherlandish national group)
RODRÍGUEZ SÁNCHEZ Mar (VoiceS Member of the Spanish national group)
ROJAS MORA Miquel Angel (VoiceS Member of the Belgian national group)
SORTE Antonio (VoiceS Member of the Portuguese national group)
TOMAS Ayşe (VoiceS Member of the Turkish national group, aysehacettepe@gmail.com)

Related modules:

European Citizenship

Year of publication: 2014


Going through this project as teachers, student teachers and children will invite us to become more aware of ourselves, the way our education is organised, which approaches in pedagogy and didactics we use. By opening ourselves to others and get informed about ways of living and working of others, will give us a wider perspective on people in 5 European countries.

Description of the project


  1. 1.As teachers and members of staff we created this project. While working on the project we had to explain to each other about our schoolsystem. Only by the exchange of  information about our school systems were we able to come to a final devising of this project. We spoke about:
    - classroommanagement
    - language methodology
    - primary and secundary schoolsystems
  2. We explained to each other in what way each of us would create the project in her/his own classroom. From there we learned about ways of teaching connected to the schoolsystem. During the length of this program we learned more about our ways of teaching, because children presented their day at school, as part of the project.
  3. Students in teacher training programs were involved in this project. By analysing the products and collecting information about the different methodologies in language teaching, knowledge about these approaches were exchanged.


In this project, Citizenship has a close realtionship with Identity. When children present a day in their life (or apart of it), they will become more aware of their own identity; who they are, where and to whom they belong (family, classroom group). By presenting this in their classroom group, they will see the similarities and differences within their own culture. When they present a day in their life with children from other countries, they again will see similarities and differences. Talking about that and giving feedback on that makes it possible to learn about other cultures. So, awareness about their own identity and the identity of others leads to a process of respecting yourself and others.

There is a special aspect about Identity in this project because we work with children in the age of 10-14 years. In this period in their development, children start to make first separations from their families in order to become adults. Looking at differences is important as well as being part of a peer group. As teachers, it gives us the opportunity to supervise the children towards respectful attitude towards children of the same age in different countries, they are in a way the peergroup. Going through this proces in a healthy way and it is important for and individual to become a conciouss grown up who knows her/himself and has an open attitude towards others.


  • To make students aware of the European dimension
  • To make students use English as the communicative language
  • To make students use Media to communicate
  • To raise students’consciousness about their own identity and the others’ identity and culture
  • To enhance students’ collaborative work


Lesson plans

  • Waking up (home rituals)
  • Way to school
  • At school
  • Way to...
  • Play, hobbies and the like
  • Home rituals (bedtime, breakfast and so on)

 Each topic is going to be filled with key words related to daily routines

Exchange activites

We are going to exchange the students’ final products in the project blog. The students’ creations can be pictures, written tasks, videos and similar.

Use of ICT

  • PowerPoint
  • Blog
  • Video recordings and movie-maker
  • Online posters (using an application such as Gloster)
  • Skype connection
  • Audacity

Roles and responsibilities of partners

In the project 150 students will be involved. Each teacher will work with a group of 18-30 students. Each partner institution will include, if possible, students following teacher training programmes.

Evaluation plan

The quality of the students’ final products will be appraised. Furthermore, the Italian partner will analyse the products in terms of language, methodology and didactics. The students following training teacher courses in Italy will interview other students following training teacher courses in the other partners’ countries.

Expected products and results

Expected products

  • Student’s final products
  • A analytic report carried out by Università degli studi di Milano-Bococca

Expected results

  • Awareness of the European dimension among the students
  • Improvement of student communicative competences 
  • Development of intercultural and social competences
  • Open attitudes towards other European cultures and social realities
  • Improvement of ICT skills for all participants

Presentation of the projects

Visit the blog of the project where all the final products created by the students in the different countries can be seen. 


Project Blog http://voicesadayinmylife.blogspot.com

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