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Finland, University of Oulu

end of erasmus and financial information

Last week I was in Iceland. It was totally amazing!
Today it’s Friday. Sunday I’m going back home to the Netherlands. Today they checked the cleaning in the apartment. My suitcases are packed already. I’m almost ready to go home.
Below I show some financial information about my 5 months here in Oulu, Finland:

Flighttickets:                                                                                                   380
Administration costs + deposit (300)                                                    400
Students registration                                                                                  50
                                                                                                                             = 830
Every month
Rental of the apartment:                                           276 x 5 =              1380
Bus card:                                                                           39.50 x 4=           158
Groceries:                                                                         70 x 5 =                350
                                                                                                                             = 1888

Total: 2718


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