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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 2) 2013/14

Paula Llopis Ballester,  Spain, International Minor, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle

One year ago, I was thinking about to have an Erasmus experience. I didn't know which would be the best country to go, but if one thing I had clear it was to go to a country that feels the education. Idind't know exaclty when I could go, but all change when the sister of one friend of my brother said to me that the Netherlands would be a good option. After this conversation, I started to search in Internet about the education in this country and also in the web page to my "suppousted" university. It was a little bit difficult because practically all in this page was in dutch. However, the with the help of the translater I observed how they work. Finally, I chose this option with two frinds more. With them I started this adventure.

The truth is that to have contact with our coordination from our university was a little bit difficult, however although some problems, he helped us to have all the ssubject recognizes.

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