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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 2) 2013/14

Lisa Seuters, Suriname, internship

I went to Surinam for my internship. It was amazing, but i will tell you more about this later. First of all, some general information.

The name of the school is Renckewitzschool and the adress is Wichterstraat 156. The school was well organized and they tried to work pedagogical. The schoolhours are from 07.45 am till 13.00 pm. In Surinam they talk about learning years in stead of groups. Learning year 2 is agual to group 4 in Holland. I did my internship in group 4 with 16 children in class.

The school works with a method for math, but that's the only one they have. The school is required to give four differents lessons a morning.

There a not many materials and stuff for the kids. The have to take it from their own home, for example: crafft supplies.

The chapter studies and teaching practice can be written in teams or individually.


I really had to get used to the culture. In Surinam teachers are


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