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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 2) 2013/14

Lorena Navarro Dominguez,  Spain, International Minor, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle

I am 21 years old and I come from Valencia, Spain. At the beginning of this Erasmus we were a bit lost about the subjects we were supposed to take. Nobody in our University in Valencia told us the subjects or the kind of education they had, so we decided to come to The Netherlands for the general characteristics of the country and for the landscapes, but not for the subjects or the University. After we arranged everything and we had just one or two months left in Valencia, this University (Katholieke Pabo Zwolle).

From the beginning, when we arranged everything to come to Zwolle, the Erasmus office was in contact with us. That is, we knew Ria and Bert for their multiple and useful mails. They were really considered and when we sent an email they answered us very early.

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