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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 2) 2013/14

Ibai Duque Narcue, Spain, International Minor, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle

How to Contact the University, 

Ten Oeverstraat 68  |  8012 EW Zwolle  |   038 421 74 25

How to Contact the Erasmus office (with coordinator)

to contact with coordinators you should send emails to the coordinators of the KPZ.

Description of the University (overview, history ...)

Is really modern university, it is complete, because it have nice staff to the students, nice ICT resources and it is beatiful university.

Comparing studies at your institution and at the guest institution.

Here is more hard to study.

Description of Courses (name of the course, goals, content, teaching / partner, assessment)

RESEARCH: The goal is to research about one topic in the TPR school. After you have to make a wor about it.

CCT: We speak about our different cultures and countries and we make the preparation lessons about teaching practice.
TPR: Make 22 lessons in one school that you cannot understatn the childrens if you do not know Dutch.
DUTCH LANGUAGE 1: Know some basic words and sentences about Dutch language.
DUTCH LANGUAGE 2: Make one work comparing 2 different languages.
CULTURE 1/2: Make two portfolios and a presentation of Pechakutxa ( 20 images, 20 seconds each one about the culture lessons that you make in TPR)
MUSIC/DRAMA: Record songs of all the countries and make a short portfolio. In Drama make a film of 5 minutes, and a little portfolio.
ENGLISH: We dont make it, I dont know why.

Detailed description of the registration process (online registration, application form, learning Agreement) ask help in your home university or to the International Minor coordinators.

Description of the accommodation:
Small little bit unconfortable and stressing, but nice place (Agnietenberg).

Cost of Living:
Very expensive

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