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Erasmus+ Journal (Issue 2) 2013/14

Ana Rodriguez Aurioles,  Spain, International Minor, Katholieke Pabo Zwolle

  • Description of the University (overview, history ...)
It looks like a new building, they have many good devices and every thing is bright here. They have the newest technologies and the atmosphere in the building is nice, specially in the cantene, where all the students have lunch in the tables.
  • Comparing studies at your institution and at the guest institution.
In my University they hardly know even your name, but here they know about you and they show their interest about you. The level of the subjects is much higher, even too much. It is a big challenge to come here because they are so hard. The pressure is big, and you need to pay a lot of effort.
  • Description of the accommodation
It is quite difficult to find accomodation here. At first I realised there were no students flats available for international students. You find many difficulties to rent a flat if you do not live in The Netherlands. Finally I contacted with a company of acoomodation and I applied for a students residence.
  • Cost of Living
I spent about 600 euros per month, including accomodation, transportations and everything.
  • Photos / links to videos