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Nicole Zelzer, University of Huelva, Mobility for study, PHSt


The University is spread over four sites. The main and newest campus is El Carmen, to the north of the city where the Faculties of Experimental Sciences, Law, Humanities, Education Sciences, Labour Sciences, the School of Nursing and the School of Social Work can be found as well as state of the art computing facilities and the central library. The Faculty of Business Science is housed in a building of architectural merit next to the cathedral in the heart of the city centre and is known as La Merced. The Polytechnic is strategically located to the west at La Rabida, high on a hill overlooking the Tinto estuary and the city’s industrial areas where strong links have been formed with the University. The University General Registry and administrative centre is located in Cantero Cuadrado.

We had all our courses at the campus El Carmen. The organization at the university was rather poor, we were not even registered the first 5 weeks. The main issue was the financial crisis and the degraded jobs at the university. They were overhelmed with all the Erasmus students and the no longer existing courses. Because of that, we had no possibility to officially attend courses, or to load materials. The professors didn´t want to have us in their courses as well, because that would mean that they had to speak in english, what they did not want because the spanish students didn´t understand english. The first few weeks were not easy and finally we had anyway to visit all courses they offered. Fortunately we quickly found friends among the Spanish students who helped us with organizational matters and also with the communication between us and the professors.

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