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retro bowl

Retro Bowl is an American football video game with an 8-bit aesthetic made by New Star Games for Android and iPhone platforms. In Retro Bowl, the player manages the group's violation and serves as the general manager of the organization. Along with these management aspects, the game includes other aspects of running an American football team, like signing free agents, drafting players, trading and cutting players, and much more. All of the groupings are based on real NFL teams, but only EA owns the NFL license for the real teams and players, thus Retro Bowl creates a jersey that is similar to the team and uses the name of the city instead of the team name to avoid violating copyright.
MEMBERS: 1        BOOKS: 0


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5 months, 2 weeks ago
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5 months, 2 weeks ago
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5 months, 2 weeks ago



Timothy Ferriss

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